Media Information
For Reena Jadhav

My Vision: A New World of Health

Hi, I’m Reena and I have a vision of a world where we are taught to listen to our body, to hear its whispers and to respond with love and care. We know what our body needs for great health and we naturally eat the right foods at the right time in the right quantities. There is no hunger, no late night sugar attacks, no binging and purging and crying. Just joy of pure satiety and nourishment.

I am not alone, this is also the vision of many brilliant doctors and healers who have been working tirelessly for decades to make it a reality. I have had the privilege of meeting and interviewing renowned Doctors and genius innovators and am giving them the spotlight they deserve through HealCircle, the first integrative program that delivers results through Day by Day plan and support!


Reena has a crazy story of Colon cancer at 35 years and an even deadlier auto-immune illness at 45 years (with 28 symptoms!). What makes the story crazy is that she had been a healthy vegetarian who worked out and had a BMI of 19 all her life. She did not fit the profile of a colon cancer patient or auto-immune disease.

Conventional medicine could not help her so she decided to take charge of her own health and 15 months later had reversed all symptoms. She beat both by taking charge of her health, doing big experiments and small changes, all of which have lead to her being the healthiest she has ever been.

In doing so, she found the truth about health and is now on a mission to share all she learned with anyone who will listen. Her article 7 Step Pyramid of Health reveals its not diet but CALM is the foundation and first step to health. Great health is our birthright and we can be vibrantly healthy with simple small changes she calls magic pills.

She is a Harvard MBA, summa cum laude from Wharton with BSc in Economics, tech entrepreneur with 5 startups, a tech advisor and investor. She has decided to dedicate her life to helping others get to greater health due to her own experiences. She recently launched along with “Health Journal” to help 1 million people get to greater health!


A colon cancer, SIBO, leaky gut, parasites and menopause survivor/thriver, today, Reena is the healthiest and happiest she has ever been. She enjoys a symptom-free life, having beaten 28 crazy symptoms without painkillers, steroids or anti-depressants. The cornerstone of her healing journey 15 months of following the 7 Step New Health Pyramid program that she designed for herself. She healed through months of small changes, big experiments and surprising insights which are now distilled into HealCircle designed to transform you into vibrant health. Her book The Health Journal is a critical tool for anyone looking to transform their health.

Reena had promised Dr. Tait that if she ever healed she would make it her life’s work to help others get their health back. Her book and HealCircle are her way of living up to her promise to Dr. Tait and revealing all the lifestyle and food changes that helped her get to great health and a vibrantly joyful life in just 15 months!

Reena is also a speaker, startup Coach, tech investor and a 5-time entrepreneur with a passion for disruptive ideas that transform the human experience and create meaningful lasting change. She has a few dozen startups she advises on growth, product and fundraising as part of two incubators.

Reena graduated with a Harvard MBA and summa cum laude with a Bachelors in Science from Wharton, University of Pennsylvania.




Facebook: Reena Jadhav  Linkedin: Reena Jadhav  Twitter: Reena Jadhav  Blog: Reena Jadhav
Facebook: Reena Jadhav
Linkedin: Reena Jadhav
Twitter: Reena Jadhav
Blog: Reena Jadhav


iTunes Podcast     Soundcloud Podcast: Reena Jadhav
Youtube Interviews:     VatorTV Interviews:
iTunes Podcast 
Soundcloud Podcast: Reena Jadhav
Youtube Interviews: 
VatorTV Interviews:


The Health Journal  – Click Here

Virtual Health Programs – Click Here

Our Vision – Click Here



For Interviews you can call her on Zoom to ensure clarity

US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 650 346 2500

Or Call her Cell 650-346-2500

We can create a new World of Health together.
I believe that.

Please join us, we are waiting for you

Let’s Create a World with No Chronic Illness

Reena’s Book

  • It’s Proven – Journaling Delivers Results
  • It’s Quick – Capture Weekly Summaries
  • It’s a Tracker – Track Moods, Meds, and Changes
  • It’s Healing – Write Daily 1 Word of Gratitude
  • It’s Small – Fits Easily in Purse/Bag

View Book

Chronic Illness Crisis Cost

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Health Is Your Birthright.
Let’s Unleash Your Health!
Our mission is to help heal millions through breakthrough
online programs powered by World’s Best Doctors.

Health Is Your Birthright.
Let’s Unleash Your Health!
Our mission is to help heal millions through breakthrough online programs powered by World’s Best Doctors.

A World With No Chronic Disease.

Can you imagine? What all could we accomplish as humanity if we eliminated diabetes, high blood pressure, Crohn’s, arthritis, gut inflammation, asthma, chronic pain, lupus, fibromyalgia and hundreds of more diseases that rob us of our potential.

A World With No Pain.

Where your body moves like a dancer, hums like a songbird and is a powerful engine powering your dreams. Instead of letting you down, holding you back and tormenting you, your body becomes your biggest strength and source of smiles.

A World Without Constant Doctor Visits And Big Doctor Bills.

A chronically ill person spends hundreds of hours doing tests, visiting doctors and having procedures done. Adding to lost time is all the lost money which could have bought laughter and memories. Average patient spends $5000 to manage their chronic illness per year. Imagine all that extra money and time, for us to truly live a life of joy. A world where no parent of a teen has to suffer the anguish of their child’s suffering.

That World is Not a Mirage or a Myth.

That world is real, today, in small secluded areas where people live without chronic disease till 90 years of age. That world is within our grasp, with small changes but big determination. There are already great people (I call them Master Healers) who are tirelessly working on researching and sharing secrets of great health free from chronic illness. My vision with HealCircle is to bring all these great healers together, in one place online, so we can accelerate the creation of this new World.

In Our New World, Even Children Will Know These 3 Critical Insights:

1. Your mind makes or breaks the chronic illness cycle
2. Your body is a complex machine with rules. Breaking those rules leads to disease
3. Your spirit or your soul attracts or repels disease

In Our New World, No One Will Realize These 10 Myths:

Pain is natural and expected as we age.

Chronic illness is for life and a death sentence.

Illness is a body issue not a mind and spirit issue.

Everybody is the same and can be treated with same drugs.

Aging and disease are synonymous, older we get the sicker we are.

Taking prescription pills is the “only” treatment.

Doctors know everything and they always know what’s best.

Chronic illness just happens (like catching the flu).

Our body has no rules so we can do anything and yet be healthy.

The body needs pills and prescriptions to heal, it can’t heal by itself.

In Our New World, Everyone Will Realize

It’s our choice to be healthy.

It’s in our cells and soul to be happy.

It’s our birthright to live a long, healthy, pain free life.

Staying healthy is about constant proactive care not reactive prescriptions.

It’s in our nature to be in balance, eat with the seasons, sleep early, rise early.

Our body, mind and spirit are tightly woven together, change in one impacts the others.

It’s our responsibility to take care of our body, mind and soul (the way we care for our cell phones: charge, upgrade, protective cover).

We won’t get there tomorrow but we will get there, if we decide that is the new world we deserve. With all the exciting advances in modern medicine, from organ regeneration to stem cell therapy, we can lead truly unprecedented lives of creation and contribution. So many amazing doctors like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Amy Myers and Dr. David Perlmutter are already working relentlessly in creating the foundation for a disease free life. This transformation has already begun.

We can create this new World together. I believe that. Please join us, we are waiting for you.

How Can You Join This Movement:

  1. Signup for our Free Newsletter Below (Weekly Health Interviews & Insights)
  2. Join a Virtual Heal Program here (click here to learn more)
  3. Check out the Health Journal 2019 here (click here for more info)
  4. Join our HealCircles community (click here to learn more)



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