Hi, I am Reena, the founder of HealCircle and I welcome you to our new World of Health! I have cheated death twice, colon cancer at 35 years and a bigger auto-immune crisis at 45 years of age. In reversing my health issues I learned so many lessons, one of them was the critical importance of having the right practitioners on your team.

I know that without my integrative and functional medicine MDs, my nutritionist, my acupuncture therapist, my reiki healer and more I would still be sick, searching for answers.

Finding doctors and healers committed to reversing my health issues instead of managing my symptoms was hard. It was like searching for a needle in a very confusing haystack. Our mission with the HealCircle Directory is to help patients who want to reverse their health issues quickly find the right practitioners.


Search with Peace of Mind

As a patient, you want to find the best doctors and healers. Those who have helped patients just like you reverse their health issues holistically. Our directory is by invite only and built through referrals from World’s best doctors and healers. So when you search for a healer, you can feel confident that anyone listed here was referred by the best Doctors and Practitioners in America.

No Fees or Ads Ever

As a patient, you are already burdened with the cost of care. Finding the best doctor should be free and without ads. As a non-profit, we are able to focus on the patient wellbeing over profit. We will never place ads, sells your data or start charging patients.

Find Your Entire Wellness Team

Having been a patient I know that to truly reverse a health issue you may need more than just a doctor. Our directory is the first to list MDs and their recommendations to holistic and integrative healers. From leading health coaches to nutritionists, physical therapists, reiki and acupuncture practitioners and more, you will find them here.

Access Free Community, Tools, Resources and More

If you have been just diagnosed with a health issue, chances are you want to get more support than the short visit with your doctor. That’s what we offer – from online health bootcamps with leading MD to free health book interviews, health journal, recipes, joy calendar, and a vibrant community.


1. If you have been invited then all you need to do is login and update your information

Each practitioner receives a free account with their picture, bio, specialties, location, social media links, blog, podcast, and events listing sections to promote themselves.

You can now network, refer patients, attend local events and stay up to date with other practitioners. You can also launch online health programs using our platform as well as start a podcast or blog.

If you would like an invite, please email and share your credentials for review.

You also receive a HealCircle page where you list your top 12 referrals for free. These practitioners get free accounts as well and are now listed on your page, making it easy for you to refer patients to other practitioners.

Patients can search and find you much more easily, they can message you through the directory, follow your articles and posts as well as leave you reviews. Join today so we can together help 100 million Americans get their health back!

We are building the first TRUSTED DIRECTORY through these specific steps:

1. INVITE only the best functional and integrative MDs renowned for reversing disease and not just managing symptoms.

2. GROW by only adding 12 referrals from each invited MD. These referrals include holistic healers, health coaches and more.

3. VALIDATE our members by requiring at least 5 patient reviews and stories of healing per practitioner.

We also verify practitioner license, patient recommendations and more to ensure we are listing truly the best of the best.

We won’t get there tomorrow but we will get there, if we decide that is the new world we deserve. With all the exciting advances in modern medicine, from organ regeneration to stem cell therapy, we can lead truly unprecedented lives of creation and contribution. So many amazing doctors like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Amy Myers and Dr. David Perlmutter are already working relentlessly in creating the foundation for a disease free life. This transformation has already begun.

We can create this new World together. I believe that. Please join us, we are waiting for you.

How Can You Join This Movement:

  1. Signup for our Free Newsletter Below (Weekly Health Interviews & Insights)
  2. Join a Virtual Heal Bootcamp here (click here to learn more)
  3. Check out the Health Journal 2018 here (click here for more info)
  4. Join our HealthBootcamp community (click here to learn more)



“WishingWell, Inc, is a non-profit 501(C)3, with EIN 263642056, doing business as Free Meals”. We are on a mission to feed families in need and are 100% volunteer run. By accepting a free meal you acknowledge that and it’s volunteers and associates are in no way legally liable for anything that might occur due to your accepting the free meal from a restaurant. If a volunteer delivers, you acknowledge that it is your responsibility to ensure the food is safe for you to consume. We do not provide any nutritional or allergy information. Thank you.

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